General Contractor: Rasch Construction
Business/Building Owner: Consumers Credit Union
Trades Performed: Demolition of the old attached drive-thru teller area. Construction of a new drive-thru island and garbage corral, complete with a new parking lot and curbs. Remodeling of the entry, lobby, teller line, ATM self-service bays, office, waiting area, and employee break room. The carpentry, concrete work, and labor were accomplished by a team of 10 Rasch Construction employees. Additionally, JDR Painting was subcontracted to handle all painting for this commercial project.
Project Architect: Haag Huller, Inc
Project Industry: Commercial - Financial
Construction Services: Carpentry, Concrete, Demolish, General Contracting
Team Members: Jason Rasch- Construction Project Manager
This was a two-phase project.
Phase 1: Construct a new free-standing drive-thru canopy structure, demolish the old drive-thru canopy, and construct a new gated garbage corral.
Phase 2: Building alterations include remodeling the private office space, waiting area, and men's & women's restrooms—complete with changing stations in both. Additionally, renovations will be made to the entry lobby, teller lines, and employee break room. The south parking lot will also be resurfaced, and new curbs will be installed along with landscaping.